I just subscribed here not so much to be able to comment but to say thank you Emerald for your courage and willingness to take the Left’s slings and arrows for the rest of us and to support your effort. So, thank you and here’s my little kiss on the cheek. Go get ‘em.

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They are fascist! We need to bring down these tech giants.

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Can't Twitter be sued for fraud? They hold themselves out as a free speech platform, then use double-standard fraudulent pretenses to censor political opinion and promote fraudulent, harmful & deadly medical disinformation.

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So when is the Emerald News Network coming?

It's time to show those assholes that there is still a market out there for real journalism.

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Well, Emerald, in addition to the mind control of the tech oligarchs there is also the matter that those who work in the fact check salt mines there are 20 something know-nothings incapable of doing any basic research having been spoon fed their information all their lives.

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I just subscribed too to say thank You for being so courageous and risking your life to shed light on such important topics

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“[R]emote content that may pose a risk to people’s health,” as if there can only be one right opinion about that and no room for reasonable minds to disagree or to even debate the issue. Foolish children playing a very dangerous game. What do they do when — not if, when — this totalitarian template admitting of only a single position is turned around and applied to them with a position they don’t like or with which they don’t agree? Answer: nothing. Their rule is no debate, no room for disagreement or a difference of opinion, so there will likewise be no debate and no room for disagreement or a difference of opinion when the elites come for their useful idiots to destroy them based upon their edict du jour. Foolish children playing a very dangerous game.

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Somewhat ironic that the suppression of inconvenient truths is so conveniently accomplished by labeling them "Misinformation." After all, they only want to protect us. Who doesn't appreciate such noble efforts? Who doesn't adore Big Brother?

Information is the new gold. It must be determinedly sought out, energetically mined, and carefully sifted for nuggets of glittering clarity.

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You ignore the lessons of history at your peril. The pattern and progression of all psycho totalitarians throughout the ages is the same and is in plain view for all to see: once they achieve their goal of totalitarian power they eliminate the useful idiots who helped them get there. What, you thought political winds only blow in one direction? Good one, you moron. Skipped history, eh? Listen for the swishing sound of the bullet or the sword, the last sound you’ll hear on this earth.

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I posted a screen shot of this tweet on my faceberg account and i got banned... 14 years of posting memes and Q stuff. could this have done it? God bless you Emerald! you took all the fire and woke a lot of us!!!

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Looking back from the days of DOS and OS/2, I think we were all very innocent in our dealings with people on social media. It all changed for me when I started getting emails from various third world locations on LinkedIn. Suddenly, people in the "Third World" claimed to be related to me. Well, I knew that I had no exotic ancestry from places like Malaysia or Persia. No, I know I'm descended from Scandinavian and Celtic peoples who were farmers and fishermen. I concluded that much of social media was just bunk and a perilous waste of time.

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