Demobcrats! Of course the film was altered by the party in power that “eliminates” players who don’t play along. JFK stepped on lots of toes including psychopath LBJ, Papa Joe’s gangland friends and alphabet agencies blamed for Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Nothing’s changed, it’s only gotten worse.

Or maybe we just removed our rose-colored glasses.

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Great article, thank you Emerald! - The mastermind of the JFK assassination was Allen Dulles (CIA Director). J. Edgar Hoover (FBI Director) helped in the cover up. Lyndon Johnson was in it, too. And guess what? Allen Dulles was running the show in the Warren Commission. So we have the mastermind of the JFK assassination running the commission which was “investigating the JFK assassination” - how nice...

About the Zapruder film being manipulated: yes, Dino Brugioni is spot on. This confirms the role of the CIA and the FBI in the Kennedy assassination.

Off topic: about the Hunter Biden laptop, Metabiota, Soros and the 30 BioWeapon Labs in Ukraine, I suggest you to read these two articles I published on my Substack:

1) “Pentagon BioWeapon Labs in Ukraine: Hunter Biden, Metabiota, George Soros - The Pentagon and Ukraine planned to use drones to spread deadly viruses in Russia”

Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/bioweapon-labs-ukraine-2

2) “Hunter Biden Laptop - BioWeapon Labs in Ukraine: the Pentagon, Metabiota, Hunter Biden”

Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/bioweapon-labs-ukraine-1

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are protected by the Pentagon and by the CIA. The Pentagon is corrupt just like the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ. The Pentagon and the CIA are protecting also George Soros, Obama and HRC. That explains a lot.

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What a mystery this is. Time, memories of eye witnesses, film quality, etc. makes one wonder if the truth will ever be known?

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This just reminds me of how corrupt our government was then and that they are even worse today. Is there any honesty in Washington, DC ?

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I have followed the Kennedy assassination for most of my life. I was in 4th grade when he was shot and I never believed Oswald did it. I saw Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV. The first really critical book in my journey to find what really happened was the 1981 Best Evidence by David Lifton. I read about fifteen books about 7 years ago and put a lot of the pieces together. My favorite was Peter Janney’s Mary’s Mosaic. She died because she knew too much. Ironically, Janney’s father was thick into the plot at the CIA. I would be interested to know more about the “taboo” in the Zapruder household. Most likely Abraham Zapruder knew the terrible truth, was scared himself and knew he was paid to keep quiet. So sad that many people have “a price.”

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Considering how we recently become aware of how thoroughly the security state lies to us it certainly likely they lied and manipulated all of this

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For years I've laughed at Kennedy and 9/11 conspiracy theorists, looking for anything but the truth. Now I owe all these folks an apology, the govt has lied like a rug since the beginning. Look how FDR and Churchill conspired to get the US into the war with Germany, gulf of Tonkin, the entire Vietnam war... How naïve I've been trusting the govt. This now opens a million cans of BS lies and makes us wonder whats true. TWA 800, I've never believed the crap they spewed about that, my wifes comment was, "Who was on the flight they needed to kill." I've teased my wife for yrs about her tin foil hat, I stopped teasing her about 10 yrs ago, she was turning out correct too often.

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Thank you for another great article, Ms. Robinson! I guess the government has been lying to me for my entire life, not wanting to expose its complicity in JFK's assassination.

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Wow, never heard this, thank you Emerald

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Check out Dorothy Kilgalen’s investigation into the assassination. A lot of this stuff was in her investigation.

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