Holy Sh!t, Batman!😳😩😱🤬😳 thank you, Emerald, for Life critical reporting.

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Anyone who decides to take on the American police state should be prepared to suffer; that's just the reality of our new normal world. I admire Dr. Huff for his courage; I question his ability to look into the future he was creating for himself when he decided to blow the whistle. If there were any better example of the power and vindictiveness of the Empire, look no further than Julian Assange.

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Dr Huff needs to slow down on his coming out till after the election if he wants to get any real help from anyone on the important items. So glad he is providing us with great intel anlong with E.R of corse!!

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Hopefully Attorney Reiner Fuellmach and Dr David Martin all confer with Dr Huff , Attorney Tom Renz and all these people aware, for a worldwide effort to out this.

Thanks Emerald. I did not receive your newsletter for a while

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

SECRETS REVEALED! These revelations will be a SHTF temporal marker. Thank you Emerald for your vigilance and reporting! FBI and CIA corrupt as HELL -- so their actions are MO for what we've learned over the past several years -- and more every day. But HUNTER? Involved in funding COVID research? Hmm. Perhaps one of the reasons they have been protecting -- and as recent as yesterday on FOX NEWS -- is because HUNTER worked for them. The assertion yesterday on FOX was that the HUNTER laptop spin is ALL Russian disinformation! David Priess, a former CIA officer, staunchly made those assertions LIVE to host Brett Baer defending the notion that there is nothing there and this is typical Russian psyop. What a CROCK of Poop! Incredible!

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Simon and Schuster is his publisher?

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If you think Dr. Huff is going to get satisfaction you’re dreaming. Just ask Sharryl Attkisson how her lawsuit against the Obama regime’s spying on her is going. Better yet, read Cathy O’Brien’s books (“Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security,” “TRANCEformation of America,” and “PTSD; Time to Heal”) for the most extensive and thorough account of how our government has been trading in the sex slave business for DECADES. And the most complete and ongoing cover up EVER. What our government and “law enforcement” agencies have perpetrated against Cathy, her daughter Kelly and THOUSANDS of other victims will blow you away. To this day, she has received not an ounce of compensation….and reams of documentation was delivered to every possible entity involved.

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Very tough guy and outstanding patriot! Given that he is still alive, my guess is that there are factions in the CIA that do not agree with the deep state covid 19 great reset biowarfare experiment.

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Just curious as to why he is finally coming out with this info? Did he have this info at the beg of the pandemic and was afraid to tell? I’m very worried for his well being at this point. Seems he is already being threatened by the powerful ones.

Thank you for bringing this info to our attention! Please keep us updated!!,

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Blockbuster article, Emerald! Dr. Huff is impressive and COURAGEOUS. What he has endured amazes! May the TRUTH continue to be exposed. The whole TRUTH!. You have done us a great service! So proud of you and of all the courageous ones here and around the world! Thank you.

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Well, I hate Twitter but I will follow him on GETTR.

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What's the latest on Tina Peters and the Colorado Secretary of State race?

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Dr Huff will prob get booted from twitter....he should maybe consider truth social as a back up!!!

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When are you going to sue News Max? I liked Stinchfield also and he was replaced by the boring Greta...yuk. I didn't take the jab but both of my boys and families did which really has me worried and concerned!!! My special thanks to you Emerald for all you do and your honesty!

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He should publicly say he’s not suicidal. If he doesn’t already, he should have multiple cameras around his house to record who’s breaking in his house. Shine the light on these cockroaches!

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This EMERALD is the real deal ,and worth every penny for her substack.

One satisfied customer.

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