We knew since the start that the "vaccines" were a Fraud - didn't we? - The "KillerJabs"

Pfizer makes $54 Billion/year - literally to KILL people. Fauci is the 21st Century Joseph Mengele - except: much worse than Mengele. Klaus Schwab, the WEF, Joe Biden, all the Western governments are all in this Fraud, this Mass Murder operation: US, Canada, AUS, NZ, UK, Germany, France.

We need a Nuremberg Trials 2.0 and give all those who are responsible for this Genocide the deserved PUNISHMENT (as in the Nuremberg Trials of 1945).

One question remains: why Trump has been pushing these Killer"Vaccines" all along? - I would like to have a convincing answer on this. It is very disturbing.

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To those questioning Trump’s position on vaccines from their comfy hindsight armchairs, who are only responsible for their families, pets and MAYBE a couple of employees, not 330 million people: Remember the Gnome and Scarf Lady advising Trump AT THAT UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS TIME, with everyone assuring him of their brilliance. Trump did his best with, as we see now, a corrupt incompetent bureaucratic public health care system screaming in panic for PPEs and lockdowns. He is ONE man, people. ONE man. Expand your blame gaming.

I call this statement a “just musing” troll: “Mmm, wonder why Trump isn’t denouncing the Jab? Because of pride? (You really mean “azzwhole.”)

Trump’s personal experience with vaccination has not been illness and death. Neither has mine. Every inoculation has side effects. VAERS stats on the Jab are real and frightening. Trump has REPEATEDLY stated that each person needs to make their own decision on the Jab in conjunction with their doctor. Trump has been subjected to the same lies from Pharma, the CDC, WHO, NIH, BARDA etc as we all have and did his best despite the deafening panic and insubordination surrounding him.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

Here in S. CA I’m still seeing on the L.A. Broadcast alphabet networks and radio stations a steady stream of vax pimping, how it’s the “best defense against the virus especially long covid and to keep others safe“.

On a side note, every registered voter in CA will receive a mail-in ballot whether you want it or not and drop boxes will be set up weeks in advance and in-person voting will be a 4 day event. Whatever was left of election integrity in California is now strangled to death and we can thank the planDemic for that.

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I am truly shocked at the number of my smart friends and close relatives who have taken the jabs!So far not one of them has suffered any damage ,thankfully.It hurts my heart to see the young athletes(seems like males only...?)drop in their steps! There are "scientists/doctors" in this and other countries who should be hauled up on murder charges! They were TRUSTED!!!!

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So the next thing is to find out who in the government actually just took saline shots instead of these vaccines. This is so painful to read, but I know it's true. People we all love are going to die because these elitist A-holes either wanted us to die, just wanted to make themselves rich and powerful, and/or the third mostly likely option are evil incarnate and demon possessed. May God judge them swiftly in this life preferably. Https://www.ididnotcomply.com

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Unbelievable corruption and deceit. We MUST get justice.

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Another sobering piece. Well done ma’am!

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In England, two dosed 18-39 are 4 times more likely to die of non-Covid caused when compared with the unvaccinated.


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Democide: the killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.

Additional reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide#

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You are on a roll. Keep the stories coming.

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And, here is some new post-mortem evidence on how they kill: https://pathologie-konferenz.de/en/

Edited to add also: similar all-cause results from Germany:


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Because this isn't on cnn and any well known sites the majority of people don't know it yet. My 40 yr old daughter would love to get into an argument about this but I have no solid proof, even I haven't heard of most of these sites. I tried to tell her about the vax a month ago, nope. If they demand a 4th booster, she and her boyfriend will run right out and get stabbed. They're teachers, she used to be normal in her early 30's before she was a teacher, the longer she's been a teacher the farther left she tilts. At the current rate, in a couple years she'll be past 90 degrees left.

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There has never been a crime as monumental is this one with the possible exception of Islam.

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Great work, Emerald. Thank you.

Here are my two latest summaries of those who have "died suddenly" in the US and worldwide, March 15,-21:



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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

I wonder why the media is not MORE crazy than the corruption in DC.... just take "...money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines".... then run wild with the truth? HAHAHA

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juxtapose excess deaths data with the cancelation of Kulldorff's Great Barrington Proclamation,

to customize care and prophylaxis based upon age & risk factors! Who is choreographing all this?

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