Fox news, with the sole exception of Tucker Carlson’s show, is garbage. They don’t deserve your money or your Nielsen rating.

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Haven’t watched Fox News in years, and seeing reports about this have me 100% convinced that was a very smart move to make.

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Totally agree. Criminal child abuse. Very sick people

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Stopped watching Fox News Nov 4, 2020. Don’t watch Tucker either.

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It’s really sad to see what is happening with Fox News. I’ve watched them from the beginning, but quit them like an evil ex.

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"FOX News now wants to transition into CNN."

Why not? The Murdock Boys see an opportunity in the demise of CNN so why not exploit it by going full filth?

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FN is beyond garbage. I have never liked Perino. She is Bush Crime Family to the max. I think she lives in DC (or did) so she would fit right with the Commie Dems.

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FOX News is FRAUD garbage. Brett Baire has demonic plastic surgery eyes, now. What in the world is going on over there. Not a "conservative" network at all.

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Couldn’t agree more! But sometimes Tucker bucks the system and calls out the hypocrisy of the Left. Because of him they didn’t broadcast the “J6 commission” he called it out for what it was!

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I noticed Fox News changing 10 years ago. But it really took a left turn when Paul Ryan was named to the Board. The only hosts worth watching were Levin and Tucker. But after Nov 3 they couldn't get me to tune in. Only watch OANN

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I’ve dismissed all TV news, including Fux Biz. Varney told Pres Trump last week - on air tele call - forget 2020, time to move on. Trump’s rebuttal was calm and accurate: so you want to let the thieves keep the diamonds after being caught! If we forget 2020, we forgo our future as a Republic. We need to establish a new baseline: prove the fraud by finding a Court who still believes in Law & Order. Grand juries, indictments, charges, trials, sentences/hanging/execution for Treason. Abolish any and all anti-American orgs from our land (Socialist, Marxist, Commie, Political Islam), eliminate Dept of Ed & let the states & parents control, replace every torn down statute, put God S&S pledge of allegiance back in schools, Colleges, Military - as per Founders/Constitution (don’t like: LEAVE. Fortify LEOs. Enforce all laws. And lie detector for every member of Congress re: Constitutional, moral beliefs & allegiance to Country. You fail: you leave. Eliminate full pensions & bennies, term limits. And more...

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Sad state of affairs. Child abuse and more attempts to dumb down society by promoting such woke, smelly garbage. Tucker has some great segments on Fox Nation. Using the fast forward remote button allows me to tune into certain portions of programs. Thanks, Emerald, for another great report.

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Are the sheep waking up yet?

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This was entirely predictable once the sons took over, unfortunately. One would think that money would rule over ideology, as Fox was killing it before...now, not so much, methinks. Oh, well; they've done it to themselves.

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You’re an important, much valued, and highly respected voice. Thank you for your hard work on our behalf, the more appreciated because you’re swimming upstream. I’m a bit of a fatalist and, so, am inclined to despair that anything we say or do at this late hour will prevent our advanced cultural decline from reaching its dark end, but your voice gives me hope that the antiseptic of Truth may yet prevail. Big time kudos for your work.

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I watch Tucker shows on other media. What a sad decline; when the ultra rich stay in their enclaves....

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